Therapy for Teens

Navigate the challenges of adolescence with understanding and care. I specialize in helping teens find their path to personal resilience and emotional health.

Understanding Therapy for Teens at Fruition Counselling

The teenage years are pivotal, filled with rapid changes and significant challenges. At Fruition Counselling, I provide specialized therapy to support teens through the stresses of growing up, dealing with emotional turmoil, and navigating complex social dynamics.

Therapy for teens focuses on creating a safe and understanding environment where teens can openly discuss their feelings, challenges, and fears.

Tailored Guidance for Every Teen's Journey

Tailored to Teen Needs
I am trained to understand and address the unique psychological needs of teenagers, from stress management to coping with major life changes.
Multiple Therapy Modalities
I offer individual and family therapy sessions, providing a comprehensive approach that adapts to the needs and preferences of each teen.
Build Resilience and Self-Understanding
My goal is to help teens develop self-awareness and resilience, enabling them to understand and navigate their emotions and behaviours effectively.

Navigating Teen Challenges with Expert Care

Teens today face a myriad of challenges that can impact their mental health, including academic pressure, social isolation, family changes like divorce or moving, and exposure to violence or bullying.There are three general types of therapy for teens experiencing mental health issues:

Individual Therapy: In these private, one-on-one sessions, a therapist will typically use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help the teen make a connection between their thoughts and feelings, as well as understand how these impact their behaviour.

Family Therapy: In this scenario, the teen would go to therapy with their parent(s) and sometimes even with siblings. This style of therapy can be very beneficial as it allows the family to communicate effectively and respectfully.

Group Therapy: Group therapy can be very effective because it allows teens to see how their peers handle their problems. Most groups have five to seven teens and one leader who will ask questions and guide the conversation. Although I am not offering group therapy at this time, I am happy to refer clients to a group if desired.

These therapy sessions are designed to address these issues by helping teens find effective coping strategies, enhance their self-esteem, and improve their ability to communicate. Whether your teen is dealing with loss, stress, or traumatic experiences, Fruition Counselling offers a supportive space for them to heal and grow.

Expert Guidance Through Adolescence

Therapy at Fruition Counselling offers guidance through the challenges of adolescence. I provide a supportive space for teens to explore emotions, build resilience, and grow in confidence, helping them manage stress and improve relationships effectively.

Learn How to Get Started

Reach Out
Start your therapeutic journey by filling out our contact form. Let me know your questions or concerns, and we'll arrange your free 25-minute consultation. This step is your gateway to personalized care, allowing me to ensure your first session is tailored to your needs.
Reach out today
During your 25-minute phone consultation, we’ll discuss your therapy goals and background. This session helps us understand your needs and set up your first full therapy session, whether online or in-person, based on your preference.
Book a free consultation
Personalized & Ongoing Support
After the consultation, we begin one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to you. We maintain ongoing support through regular communication and adapt your therapeutic plan as needed, ensuring it evolves with you as your sessions continue.
Access personalized support

Take the First Step

Please complete the form below to schedule a free 25 minute phone consultation. I will promptly review your request and contact you to confirm the appointment details.


Browse through frequently asked questions to learn more about how I can help you navigate your teen’s therapeutic journey.
What signs should I look for to know if my teen might benefit from therapy?

Look for changes in behaviour, such as withdrawal from social activities, noticeable shifts in mood, academic performance slipping, or changes in sleeping and eating patterns. These can all be indicators that your teen might benefit from professional support.

How can therapy help my teenager?

Therapy can provide your teen with a safe space to express their feelings and work through their problems. It helps them develop coping strategies for stress, improve their communication skills, enhance self-esteem, and generally support their emotional and mental health.

What types of therapy do you offer for teens?

I offer individual therapy, which focuses on personal issues, as well as group therapy that allows teens to interact with peers facing similar challenges, and family therapy to improve communication and dynamics within the family.

How do I talk to my teen about starting therapy?

Approach the conversation with empathy and without judgment. Explain that therapy is a common and helpful tool for many people, not because they are broken, but because everyone needs help sometimes. Assure them that their feelings are valid and that therapy is a safe place to explore those feelings.

Will I be involved in my teen's therapy sessions?

Parental involvement depends on the specific needs of the teen and the type of therapy. While some sessions might involve family therapy, others might be strictly confidential between the teen and myself to build trust and openness. However, I always encourage supportive communication between parents and therapists.

Is there confidentiality in teen counselling?

Yes, confidentiality is a cornerstone of counselling at any age. However, if there are safety concerns, such as risks of harm to self or others, parents may be informed. Otherwise, what is shared in therapy stays between the therapist and the teen, which is crucial for building trust.

How long does teen counselling typically last?

The duration of counselLing depends on the teen’s specific needs and goals. Some see improvements in a few months, while others might need longer to work through their issues. Progress is regularly assessed and discussed with the teen and, if appropriate, with the parents.

What if my teen doesn’t want to attend therapy?

If your teen is reluctant to attend therapy, discuss their concerns and hesitations. Sometimes understanding that they can have control over the process and that their input is valued can help. We can also arrange a preliminary meeting to help them feel more comfortable about the process.

Still have questions?
Contact us for more information.
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